Saturday, June 27, 2009

And the winners are...

Wesley: 2nd place in his age group
Dennis: 1st place in his age group
Joyce: 1st place in her age group (can you BELIEVE it???)

We ran the CUCIL this morning in Provo along with Justin, Jessie, and Lori. Kadence rode in the stroller when she wasn't running - the wrong way sometimes. We all won prizes, too:

Dennis: lube job
Joyce: dinner for two at Applebee's
Lori: lube job
Justin: family pass to Boondock's
Jessie: Marie Calendar's pie
Wesley: Hogle Zoo pass for two adults and four kids
Kadence: family pass to Jumping Jacks

We made out like bandits!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Oh yes, a hot tub in my room...

I'm staying at the Landmark Inn in Park City, right up the street from the outlet mall. I do have to spend some of the time working, and the rest of the time I can play.

Den came up with me yesterday and had to leave early this morning for work. I'm waiting for him to come back up today and we'll go to dinner.


About Us - Dennis & Joyce

My photo
All the kids - even some of the grandkids - have their own blogs, so it's time for G&G Up the Mountain to get with it - so here's IT!

My Tunes


Mayan Calendar Countdown