Tuesday, March 30, 2010

General Petraeus Speaks at BYU

General Petraeus' Top 10 reasons BYU grads make good soldiers:

10 — They have already been on many a mission.

9 — Army chow is no problem for folks accustomed to eating green Jell-o and shredded carrots.

8 — It's not a problem if they don't know what rank someone is, they just refer to them as Brother or Sister so-and-so.

7 — They never go AWOL. They just call it being less active.

6 — They will seize any objective swiftly if you tell them refreshments will be served.

5 — They know how to make things happen. In fact if you ever need a base built quickly in a barren wasteland, stride out to where you want them to start, plant your walking stick down and say in a loud voice, "This is the place."

4 — They have innovative ideas for handling insurgents — like assigning them home teachers.

3 — They always have a years' supply of provisions on hand.

2 — They are the world's most reliable designated drivers.

1 — They understand how far Iraq has come over the last seven years, and they think that Iraq's old spot in the "Axis of Evil" can now be filled by the University of Utah.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Canyonlands Half Marathon 2010

Dennis and I competed in the Canyonlands Half Marathon 2010 in Moab - he ran the half marathon and I competed in the 5-mile run with Chelsea as my coach/trainer. What a great time we had, even though we about froze to death up the canyon waiting for the race to begin.
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Thursday, March 18, 2010


About Us - Dennis & Joyce

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All the kids - even some of the grandkids - have their own blogs, so it's time for G&G Up the Mountain to get with it - so here's IT!

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